
一名新加坡70岁男子因在手机上点击了一个恶意的伪造Google Play应用程序,仅两小时内就损失了约7.1万新元。这名男子化名为Loo,他在接受《新明日报》采访时透露,1月29日上午9点左右,他接到了一名星展银行工作人员的电话。工作人员告诉他,从凌晨3点到5点,他的账户里有多笔款项被转至海外,转出的款项共计7.1万新元。此后,Loo的账户仅剩约2,000新元。在这个过程中,他失去了在1月份领到的3万新元养老金。此外,他的信用卡还被刷走了6,000多新元,至今尚未还清。


Singaporean Man, 70, Loses S$71,000 Pension in 2 Hours After Clicking Malware-Infected App

A 70-year-old man in Singapore lost about S$71,000 in just two hours after he clicked on a malicious fake Google Play application on his phone. The man, known as Loo (not his real name), told Shin Min Daily News that he received a call from a DBS Bank staff at around 9am on January 29. The staff informed Loo that multiple transfers of money were made from his account to foreign countries from 3am to 5am, totaling S$71,000. Afterward, only about S$2,000 was left in his account. In the process, Loo lost his S$30,000 pension that he received in January. Additionally, more than S$6,000 was charged to his credit card, which he has not repaid yet.

Loo subsequently reported the matter to the police and handed his phone over to them for investigation. According to a DBS spokesperson, police investigations revealed that Loo’s phone was compromised by malware. This can happen when one downloads applications laced with malware from unauthorized sites. Malware allows hackers to “take control” of a mobile device to perform fraudulent