Four Opposition Parties Forge ‘The People’s Alliance’ to Challenge in Next Singapore General Election

In a significant development in Singapore’s political landscape, four opposition parties have announced the formation of ‘The People’s Alliance’ to contest in the next General Election (GE). The coalition will comprise of the Peoples Voice, Reform Party, People’s Power Party and the Democratic Progressive Party.

The leader of Peoples Voice, Mr Lim Tean, announced on his Facebook page that the alliance would contest all the seats that the constituent parties had vied for in GE2020, as well as others. This development comes after months of dialogue among the parties, with discussions to form an alliance commencing in January. The coalition is in the process of registering with the Registry of Societies.

Once the registration is approved, a press conference will be held alongside the alliance’s official launch. Mr Lim, who will serve as the secretary-general of The People’s Alliance, expressed that the formation of this alliance was in response to the calls from Singaporeans for greater opposition unity.

Despite previous unsuccessful attempts at forging alliances among opposition parties, this new coalition aims to challenge the status quo and present a unified front in the forthcoming GE. Mr Lim stated that the parties are in agreement on the major issues impacting Singapore’s future prosperity and have developed a manifesto for the GE.

In light of the development, the individual parties forming The People’s Alliance will continue to operate separately. Each of these parties has had no representation in Parliament.

The People’s Alliance isn’t the first coalition of opposition parties in Singapore. In June 2001, the Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) was formed comprising the Singapore People’s Party (SPP), National Solidarity Party (NSP), Singapore Justice Party (SJP), Singapore National Front (SNF) and Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS). The SDA has gone through several shifts in its composition and continues to engage with constituents and express its views on political issues.

The emergence of The People’s Alliance indicates a dynamic shift in Singapore’s political arena. As this alliance prepares to contest in the next GE, it remains to be seen how this unified front will impact Singapore’s political future.

Paving the Way for Singapore’s Democratic Future: The Political Perspective of Pritam Singh

The recent comments made by Pritam Singh, the leader of the Workers’ Party (WP) in Singapore, are thought-provoking. He argues that the correct response to the dominance of the People’s Action Party (PAP) is to provide Singaporeans with more choices during elections. This perspective not only embodies the stance of the WP but also discusses the future of Singaporean politics.


Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh on “What is the appropriate response to PAP political dominance?” wpsg makeyourvotecount sgparliament pritamsingh sgnews

♬ original sound – The Workers’ Party 🔨 – The Workers’ Party 🔨

The lifeblood of democratic politics lies in the people’s right to choose. Singh’s emphasis on this principle is commendable. In a political climate like Singapore’s, where a single party has dominance, an option distinct from the PAP is crucial. This is a maintenance of political diversity and respect for citizens’ rights. Offering diverse options means recognizing and respecting the notions and needs of the people, and signifies the fulfillment of political participation, all of which the WP is pursuing.

Singh’s viewpoint also underscores the unique positioning of the WP. Their aim is not to become another PAP but to stick to their own position, presenting a political choice that differs from the PAP. This spirit of maintaining self-identity and refusing to imitate not only gives the WP a unique identity but also adds a diversity to the political landscape of Singapore.

It’s noteworthy that Singh’s stance reveals the unwavering determination of the WP. They understand that the road to success is inevitably filled with challenges and setbacks, but these will be converted into the impetus to face difficulties in future elections. Such a positive attitude is extremely important for the long-term development of any political party.

Through Singh’s perspective, we can see the path the WP is paving for Singapore’s political future. It’s a path advocating diversity, emphasizing citizen participation, and filled with both challenges and opportunities. For Singapore, such a path may bring challenges but will also bring infinite possibilities. In this process, every Singaporean will play an important role in shaping a diverse and open political landscape in Singapore.