Former Singapore Idol Judge Ken Lim Faces Molestation Charges

SINGAPORE – Former Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim appeared in court to face charges of molesting a 25-year-old woman. The alleged incident took place in November 2021 at the Hype Records office.

Ken Lim, the executive director of Hype Records, is accused of touching the woman’s breast through skin-to-skin contact. Prosecutors requested a gag order on the identity of the victim.

Ken Lim’s lawyer stated that the investigation has been ongoing for more than 15 months, and Ken Lim maintains his innocence, refusing to plead guilty. Currently, he is released on bail of S$10,000.

The court granted Ken Lim’s application to travel to Phuket, Thailand, from May 25 to June 4 to handle “property management issues,” subject to an additional S$10,000 bail.

If convicted of outrage of modesty, Ken Lim may face up to three years of imprisonment, a fine, and caning, although those above the age of 50 are exempt from caning.

前新加坡偶像评委Ken Lim被控性侵犯

新加坡 – 前新加坡偶像评委Ken Lim因被指控性侵犯一名25岁女子而出庭应对指控。据报道,这起事件发生于2021年11月,地点位于Hype Records的办公室。

Ken Lim是Hype Records的执行董事,他被指控通过皮肤接触摸女子的胸部。检察官请求对受害者的身份实施禁令。

Ken Lim的律师表示,调查已经进行了超过15个月,Ken Lim坚称自己是清白的,不会承认罪行。目前,他被保释金10,000新元获得暂时自由。

法庭同意了Ken Lim在5月25日至6月4日期间前往泰国普吉岛处理“财产管理问题”的申请,但需支付额外的10,000新元保释金。

如果Ken Lim被判定犯有侵犯他人贞操罪,他可能面临最高三年监禁、罚款和鞭刑(但年满50岁的人免于鞭刑)的处罚。