Singapore Government Criticized for Raising Electronic Road Pricing Rates by S$1 at Multiple Locations

Singapore to raise Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates by S$1 at several expressway locations starting from April 3. The increase in charges is aimed at managing traffic congestion during the morning commute, covering earlier time periods. However, some citizens are criticizing the move, questioning the government’s decision to increase prices when the economy is still recovering from the pandemic. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) responded by stating that the number of locations and timeslots charged is still lower than pre-COVID, and the agency will continue to monitor traffic conditions and assess whether further adjustments are necessary. The ERP rates are reviewed every quarter and adjusted during the June and December school holidays based on traffic conditions.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) claimed that the increase is needed to manage traffic congestion during the morning commute. However, this move has faced criticism from some members of the public who question the fairness and effectiveness of such measures.

Increasing the ERP rates is seen by some as a regressive measure that disproportionately affects lower-income drivers who have no choice but to drive during peak hours. This raises questions about the fairness of the ERP system as a whole, and whether it is really an effective way to reduce traffic congestion.

Furthermore, some argue that the LTA should be focusing on long-term solutions, such as improving public transport infrastructure and encouraging more people to use public transport instead of driving. The government has already announced plans to invest heavily in public transport in the coming years, and it remains to be seen whether this will have a significant impact on traffic congestion.

Overall, the increase in ERP rates has sparked debate about the fairness and effectiveness of such measures, and whether they are the right approach to managing traffic congestion in Singapore. As the government continues to grapple with this issue, it is clear that more needs to be done to find a sustainable and equitable solution that works for everyone.




而在KPE(ECP)通过Defu Flyover入口,7点至7点半的ERP费用将从0上调至1新币,而8点半至9点的费用将会从4新币上调至5新币。





