

  1. 新加坡房屋类型:新加坡的房屋类型主要包括政府组屋(HDB)、私人公寓、排屋和别墅。其中,政府组屋和私人公寓是市场上最常见的租房房源。
  2. 租期限制:政府组屋的最短租期为六个月,而私人公寓的最短租期为三个月。在新加坡,短于三个月的民宿生意属于违法行为。
  3. 居住人数限制:政府组屋和私人公寓都有严格的居住人数限制。政府组屋的限制为:一房式和两房式最多4人,三房式和四房式及以上最多6人。私人公寓的限制为:单卧室房最多2人,双卧室房最多4人,三卧室房最多6人。
  4. 有效证件:租房者需要持有新加坡政府发放的有效证件,如工作准证、S准证、就业准证和学生签证等长期签证。
  5. 租房费用:除租金外,还需支付定金/保证金、印花税和中介费(如有)。
  6. 新加坡租房流程:寻找合适房屋、安排看房、草拟意向书、交付保留押金、向国内税务局支付印花税、签署租赁协议并获得钥匙。
  7. 注意事项:
    • 确保您的名字在租约中出现,以便申报地址。
    • 遵守新加坡不允许二房东的规定。
    • 与房东协商关于水电网费、家具、搬家时间、宠物、烹饪和退房规则等事项,并写入租房合同。
    • 房屋物业费、保险和房屋税等由房东支付。
    • 未满21岁的租客需要与监护人或担保人一同签署合同。


  1. 保持租赁合同的合法性:确保您签署的租赁合同遵循新加坡的租赁法规。在签署之前,仔细阅读合同条款,如果有任何疑问,请寻求专业建议。
  2. 维护租客权益:在租期内,如遇到房东未履行合同义务或与房东发生纠纷时,可以向小额法庭寻求帮助。确保在租约中注明租金支付日期和方式,以避免潜在的纠纷。
  3. 居住环境:在选择租赁房屋时,了解所在社区的治安、交通和基础设施,如公共交通、医疗设施和学校等,以确保您的生活质量。
  4. 检查房屋设施:在签署租赁协议之前,务必与房东或中介一起检查房屋设施,确保所有设备和家具处于良好状态。如有损坏或需要维修的设施,请在意向书中注明,并要求房东在租赁开始前进行维修。
  5. 了解终止租约的规定:在签订租赁合同时,请了解提前终止租约的条件和费用,以便在遇到特殊情况时做好准备。
  6. 续租和租金调整:在租约到期前与房东沟通续租事宜。如果房东同意续租,请关注租金调整条款,确保新租金在您的预算范围内。
  7. 保持良好沟通:与房东保持良好沟通,及时报告房屋维修和保养问题,遵守租赁协议中的规定,以维护双方的权益。
  8. 租房险:考虑购买租房保险,以确保您的个人财产在租赁期间得到保障。
  9. 通过了解上述租房指南和注意事项,您将能够在新加坡租房市场中更加自信地应对各种挑战。在新加坡租房过程中,务必保持谨慎和细心,确保您的权益得到保障。祝您在新加坡的生活顺利!


事发在榜鹅北岸广场(Northshore Plaza)外的排水沟,一名36岁的会计师徐先生在陪伴孩子在附近的游乐场玩耍时,踩到一个排水沟盖突然破裂,从而跌入约1.8米深的排水沟中。徐先生受到腰部、膝盖和脚踝的轻伤。






Northshore Plaza Accident: Man Narrowly Escapes Severe Injuries as Drain Cover Collapses – Who Should Be Held Responsible?

On April 1st, a 36-year-old accountant, Mr. Xu, suffered injuries to his waist, knees, and ankles after falling into a 1.8-meter-deep drain outside Northshore Plaza in Punggol. He was with his children at the playground when he walked across some concrete drain covers to dispose of rubbish. One of the drain covers suddenly broke, causing Mr. Xu to fall into the drain. He compared the shocking experience to a free-fall ride at amusement parks.

schematic diagram

Thanks to his quick reflexes, Mr. Xu managed to break his fall and prevent more severe injuries. Two men nearby came to his aid, helping him out of the drain and offering to call an ambulance. Mr. Xu declined the offer, not wanting to frighten his children. He later informed the shopping mall’s management of the incident and warned others to avoid the area, which has since been cordoned off with a warning sign placed above the hole.

Mr. Xu expressed his concern that the consequences would have been much worse had an elderly person or a child fallen into the drain. The incident occurred near a playground bustling with playing children and skateboarders. He sustained an injury to his waist and scratches on his knees and ankles.

With regards to seeking compensation, it is essential to determine who is responsible for the maintenance and safety of the drain covers. If it can be proven that the shopping mall or another party was negligent in ensuring the drain covers’ safety, Mr. Xu might be entitled to seek compensation for his injuries.

Balancing Language Proficiency and Diversity: Singapore’s Controversy on English Tests for Citizenship Applications

Recently, some media outlets have attempted to link the public opinion poll on English tests in Singapore’s citizenship application process with the upcoming election, aiming to manipulate voters’ focus. Voters should remain vigilant, pay attention to a broader range of issues, and not be misled by these media tactics that try to influence the election.

Recently, the discussion on including an English test as part of the selection criteria for new citizenship applicants in Singapore has gained widespread attention. Although a survey showed that the majority of Singaporeans support the English test as one of the criteria, there are still some opposing views that need to be addressed. This article aims to explore these opposing views and discuss the Singaporean government’s attitude and expectations towards talent recruitment.

Firstly, some people believe that the English test can help new citizens integrate into Singaporean society better. However, an English test may not fully measure a person’s ability to assimilate into a new culture. In fact, adaptability, family ties to Singapore, and other factors such as national service may be more important.

Secondly, some people believe that the English test can prevent the formation of communities divided by language in the future. However, an English test alone cannot completely eliminate the social divide caused by language differences. Cultural exchange and education may be more critical in promoting understanding and integration among different ethnic groups.

Moreover, as a multicultural and multilingual country, Singapore should encourage its residents to learn and respect other languages and cultures, rather than relying solely on English as the only means of communication. Although many Singaporean netizens have expressed that they should not have to struggle to communicate in their own country, the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance of people from all backgrounds should not be underestimated.

Regarding the suggestion to implement a test like the IELTS English test, while some believe that it would not be too difficult, it may increase the complexity and cost of citizenship applications, especially for applicants from countries and regions with limited access to English education resources and opportunities. Additionally, such a test may overly emphasize academic English proficiency while neglecting practical communication and life skills.

Although the survey results showed that a higher percentage of minority races in Singapore supported the inclusion of an English test in citizenship applications compared to Chinese respondents, policy-making should fully consider the needs and interests of different ethnic groups to ensure fairness and inclusivity. Moreover, the survey may have biases and cannot fully reflect the opinions of all Singaporeans. The government needs to consider various factors, not just the survey results, when formulating policies.

While some believe that linking the English test to citizenship application standards may become a hot topic in the next general election, voters’ concerns may change over time. Before the election, many other factors, such as the economy, social welfare, and national security, may affect voters’ priorities. Therefore, linking survey results to elections should be severely criticized.

Singapore’s desire for talent has always been at the core of its national development strategy. To attract top global talent, the government has adopted inclusive and diverse strategies. In this context, the government comprehensively considers various social integration indicators, such as family ties to Singapore, completion of national service, and adaptability when evaluating citizenship applications, rather than relying solely on the English test. The government is committed to creating a friendly and inclusive environment for new citizens to ensure that they can smoothly integrate into Singaporean society and contribute to the country’s prosperity.

In summary, although the survey showed some degree of support for the English test in Singaporean citizenship applications, there are still many opposing views that need to be considered. When formulating and implementing related policies, the Singaporean government needs to seek a balance between attracting international talent and maintaining social integration. The government’s desire for talent and respect for multiculturalism are the cornerstones of Singapore’s success, and this principle should be continued in the future. At the same time, it is necessary to severely criticize the behavior of linking survey results to elections, to ensure that voters’ concerns are not misled and focused on more critical national issues.












“邀请议员作为荣誉嘉宾,是促进发展还是潜在危险?” —— 反驳魏理实的建议

















Short-Term Accommodation Regulations in Singapore: Protecting Residential Communities

In Singapore, residential properties such as condominiums, walk-up apartments, flats, bungalows, semi-detached, and terrace houses are intended for long-term residence. As a result, using these properties for short-term accommodation, defined as stays of less than three consecutive months, is prohibited by law. This includes renting out properties as hotels, hostels, motels, bed and breakfasts, or homestays to short-term visitors, often done through online home-sharing platforms.

The purpose of this regulation is to ensure the safety, privacy, and security of homes and preserve the residential character of local communities. The frequent coming and going of short-term visitors can compromise these aspects.

Property owners and tenants are responsible for ensuring their properties are not used for short-term accommodation. Owners should exercise due diligence and regularly check their properties. Those found guilty of engaging in short-term accommodation face a minimum fine of up to $5,000. Recalcitrant individuals or those engaging in short-term accommodation at multiple properties may be taken to court, resulting in significantly heavier fines.

Management Corporations (MCSTs) play a crucial role in tightening security measures to minimize the occurrence of short-term accommodation activities in their developments. They can enhance visitor screening procedures, especially for those carrying luggage, and record details of their units and entry/exit dates.

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) collaborates with MCSTs to investigate suspected short-term accommodation activities. Promptly providing accurate and up-to-date information to the URA is essential to expedite investigations and enforcement actions.

Visitors to Singapore should also be aware of these regulations. Those staying for less than three consecutive months have options such as hotels (no minimum stay duration) and serviced apartments (minimum stay duration of seven days). Visitors who choose to book short-term accommodation at private residential properties may be required to assist in investigations if found staying at the property during authorities’ checks. They may also face inconvenience and additional costs for alternative accommodation as some MCSTs and security officers actively enforce these regulations.











