






Singapore Police Establishes Sexual Offences and Family Violence Command, Addressing Increasing Sexual Crime Cases

In recent years, Singapore has seen a concerning increase in cases of sexual harassment. As a society, it is crucial for us to take comprehensive measures to tackle this issue, ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens.

The government’s establishment of the Sexual Crimes and Family Violence Command Centre is a commendable move. This specialized unit aims to streamline the reporting process and provide better assistance to victims. However, this is just the beginning. Efforts must be extended in various directions, including the continuous review and improvement of relevant laws to tackle the evolving nature of sexual crimes, particularly those facilitated by technology.

Education plays a pivotal role in addressing the root of the problem. By incorporating comprehensive sex education into the curriculum, we can empower the younger generation with knowledge and awareness about consent, boundaries, and respect for others. This education will also help to break down the stigma and shame associated with sexual harassment and assault, encouraging more victims to come forward and report such incidents.

Support networks for victims are essential, and both government and non-government organizations should work together to provide psychological counseling, rehabilitation services, and legal aid to help victims rebuild their confidence and lives.

In addition to the efforts of the government and NGOs, each of us has a role to play in combating sexual crimes. We can do so by being vigilant, paying attention to those around us, and preventing sexual harassment and assault from occurring. When we learn that a friend or acquaintance has been victimized, we should offer help and support and encourage them to stand up for their rights. Moreover, we should learn to respect others and care for vulnerable populations, working together to maintain a safe and harmonious social environment.

The rise in sexual harassment cases in Singapore serves as a wake-up call. We must strengthen our efforts in various aspects, such as law, education, and psychological rehabilitation, to protect the rights of every individual. Faced with this serious social issue, let us join hands and strive to create a safer and fairer society for all.


一名新加坡70岁男子因在手机上点击了一个恶意的伪造Google Play应用程序,仅两小时内就损失了约7.1万新元。这名男子化名为Loo,他在接受《新明日报》采访时透露,1月29日上午9点左右,他接到了一名星展银行工作人员的电话。工作人员告诉他,从凌晨3点到5点,他的账户里有多笔款项被转至海外,转出的款项共计7.1万新元。此后,Loo的账户仅剩约2,000新元。在这个过程中,他失去了在1月份领到的3万新元养老金。此外,他的信用卡还被刷走了6,000多新元,至今尚未还清。


Singaporean Man, 70, Loses S$71,000 Pension in 2 Hours After Clicking Malware-Infected App

A 70-year-old man in Singapore lost about S$71,000 in just two hours after he clicked on a malicious fake Google Play application on his phone. The man, known as Loo (not his real name), told Shin Min Daily News that he received a call from a DBS Bank staff at around 9am on January 29. The staff informed Loo that multiple transfers of money were made from his account to foreign countries from 3am to 5am, totaling S$71,000. Afterward, only about S$2,000 was left in his account. In the process, Loo lost his S$30,000 pension that he received in January. Additionally, more than S$6,000 was charged to his credit card, which he has not repaid yet.

Loo subsequently reported the matter to the police and handed his phone over to them for investigation. According to a DBS spokesperson, police investigations revealed that Loo’s phone was compromised by malware. This can happen when one downloads applications laced with malware from unauthorized sites. Malware allows hackers to “take control” of a mobile device to perform fraudulent

FairPrice Team Leader Sentenced for Accepting Bribes, Raises Questions on Penalties and Management

Following the recent corruption case involving two former team leaders of FairPrice, questions have been raised concerning the adequacy of the imposed penalties and the potential shortcomings in FairPrice’s internal management.

One key concern is whether the penalties are too lenient, given the substantial bribes received by the accused individuals. Another pressing issue involves the company’s internal management—how could such corruption persist for so long without being detected?

To improve its image and restore consumer confidence, FairPrice should proactively implement measures to strengthen its internal supervision and promptly identify and correct potential issues. Additionally, the company should regularly organize anti-corruption and professional ethics training for employees to enhance their legal awareness and moral standards.

Meanwhile, the government and various sectors of society should also pay close attention and intensify efforts to combat corrupt practices. Apart from reinforcing legal sanctions, combating corruption can also be achieved through refining laws and regulations and cultivating a morally upright social environment.

In response to the incident, FairPrice stated that it has thoroughly reviewed its procurement processes and implemented necessary actions to strengthen control and governance. The company emphasized its commitment to operating with integrity, enhancing its management capabilities, and effectively fulfilling its promise to moderate the cost of living in Singapore.

Following this corruption case, FairPrice faces the challenge of not only winning back consumer trust but also ensuring the effectiveness of its internal management to prevent similar incidents from occurring again. Only through continuous improvement and strengthened management can FairPrice stand out in the highly competitive market and provide better services to Singapore’s consumers.

FairPrice 团队领导因接受贿赂被判刑,引发对罚金和管理的质疑

近日,一名前 FairPrice 团队领导,70 岁的史福南(See Hock Lam),承认 10 项腐败指控后被判处三年零两个月的监禁。法庭还要求史福南支付 26.15 万元新元的罚金,如果未能支付,他将在监狱额外服刑 523 天。史福南与同谋,48 岁的前 FairPrice 高级团队领导林建国(Lim Kian Kok),从多家供应商处接受 52.3 万元新元贿赂,向行贿的供应商订购更多的鱼类和海鲜。

这一案件引发了两个担忧:一是考虑到贿赂金额,罚金是否过于宽松;二是 FairPrice 的内部管理是否混乱,因为这起腐败事件长时间未被发现。批评者质疑,对于涉及如此巨额贿赂的案件,目前的罚金是否足以起到威慑效果,防止类似事件再次发生。

针对这一事件,FairPrice 集团已对其采购流程进行了全面审查,并采取措施加强管控和治理。然而,关于这家超市连锁企业如何防止类似事件在未来发生以及如何维持其降低新加坡生活成本的承诺,仍存在疑问。有观点认为,FairPrice 作为新加坡最大的超市连锁,涉及广泛的消费群体,腐败案件可能会影响到许多人,因此公司有责任加强内部监管,确保诚信经营。

此外,公众对 FairPrice 内部管理水平表示担忧。腐败事件长达七年之久,为何公司未能早日发现并采取措施制止?这是否暴露了管理层在监督和反腐方面的不足?有人呼吁,FairPrice 集团应该对此深入反思,加强对员工的教育和培训,提高他们的法律意识和职业道德水准。

总之,这起案件不仅引发了对罚金过于宽松的质疑,还让人们关注到了 FairPrice 内部管理的问题。作为新加坡最大的超市连锁,FairPrice 有责任不断提高自身管理水平,确保为广大消费者提供高质量、安全且价格合理的商品。

为了改善公司的形象并重塑消费者信心,FairPrice 集团应积极采取措施,加大内部监管力度,及时发现并纠正潜在的问题。此外,公司还应定期组织员工参加反腐败和职业道德培训,提高员工的法律意识和道德素质。


FairPrice 集团在回应此事时表示,已经对采购流程进行全面审查,并采取必要措施加强管控。集团表示,将继续遵循诚信经营原则,提高管理水平,切实履行降低新加坡生活成本的承诺。

在这起腐败案件之后,FairPrice 面临的挑战不仅仅是赢回消费者的信任,还要确保内部管理的有效性,以免类似事件再次发生。只有通过不断改进和加强管理,FairPrice 才能够在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出,为新加坡的消费者提供更优质的服务。

The Lament of Lonely Elderly – Reflections on Social Care and Family Values

In a heart-wrenching incident in Toa Payoh, Singapore, a 73-year-old woman named Madam Cheng Ah Imm lived alone after her brother moved to a nursing home, ultimately suffering a tragic fate in her flat. This incident not only saddens us but also raises our concerns. In this highly modernized society, are we paying enough attention to the needs of lonely elderly? Have the changes in family values led us to overlook the preciousness of kinship?

As society faces an aging trend, the issue of lonely elderly becomes increasingly serious. Many older adults have to face their twilight years alone due to children leaving home, the loss of a spouse, and other reasons. In Madam Cheng’s case, both her brothers had passed away, and she may have been out of touch with other relatives for a long time. This prompts us to consider how to care for and attend to these lonely elderly, which is an urgent issue in today’s society.

The government and communities bear significant responsibilities in this regard. They can carry out activities to care for the elderly, provide care hotlines, and regularly visit lonely elderly to ensure their basic needs are met. In addition, communities can establish mutual aid organizations for seniors to keep each other company and look after one another.

However, relying solely on the government and communities is not enough. The shift in family values has also led many young people to overlook the care for their elderly. In the fast-paced life, we often immerse ourselves in work, career, and social activities, neglecting communication and companionship with our family members. We need to constantly remind ourselves that kinship is priceless, and filial piety and caring for elders should not be forgotten.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for us. Let us learn from it, pay attention to the lonely elderly around us, and respond to society’s expectations with practical actions. At the same time, let us cherish our families, pass on the values of filial piety, and let kinship shine anew in this era.







The Online Citizen Editor Terry Xu Case: Reflections on Freedom of Speech and Responsible Journalism

The recent case of Terry Xu, chief editor of The Online Citizen (TOC), being fined SGD 18,000 for contempt of court has sparked widespread attention. This incident not only prompts us to re-examine the balance between freedom of speech and judicial fairness but also urges us to consider how the news media can uphold social responsibility while defending freedom of speech. This article aims to analyze the causes and consequences of this incident and explore the relationship between freedom of speech and responsible journalism.

First, let’s revisit the cause of the incident. On January 27, 2021, Julie Mary O’Connor, a former Singapore permanent resident, posted a letter on her blog accusing the Singapore judicial system of being unfair. Xu subsequently published the full text of the letter on TOC and shared excerpts on Facebook. However, the article was considered an attack on the Singapore courts, questioning their integrity, impartiality, and propriety. As a result, Xu was charged with contempt of court and fined SGD 18,000.

In this case, we see the tense relationship between freedom of speech and judicial fairness. In a democratic society, freedom of speech is considered a fundamental right, and the media should have the right to criticize the government and judicial system. However, this does not mean that news media can publish damaging statements about judicial fairness without objective and rational grounds. In the case of Terry Xu, the court found that the content he published did not constitute fair criticism and thus convicted him of contempt of court.

This incident urges us to reflect on how news media should uphold social responsibility while defending freedom of speech. As an essential force in public opinion supervision, news media should not only be courageous in exposing social ills but also ensure that the reported content is truthful, impartial, and does not harm judicial fairness. In Terry Xu’s case, TOC failed to strike an appropriate balance between the two, leading to an undue attack on the courts.

From this incident, we can draw several lessons:

News media should abide by legal regulations when exercising freedom of speech to ensure that they do not harm judicial fairness.

Freedom of speech is not absolute; it needs to be safeguarded with due regard to laws, morals, and social responsibilities.

Journalists should practice responsible journalism by ensuring that the content of their reports is based on objective and rational grounds, avoiding biased generalizations or fabrication of facts.

The public should remain vigilant and treat online information with caution, avoiding blind belief or dissemination of unverified statements.

Governments and judicial authorities should also strive to improve transparency, enabling the public to better understand and monitor their work, thus enhancing people’s confidence in the rule of law.

In conclusion, the Terry Xu case provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the relationship between freedom of speech and responsible journalism. While defending freedom of speech, news media should take on social responsibility to ensure that their reporting is truthful, impartial, and does not harm judicial fairness. Only in this way can we promote social harmony and progress while safeguarding freedom of speech.











