
新加坡一对夫妇质疑马来西亚入境官员的盖章程序后,据称遭禁止进入马来西亚六个月。Abdul Qayyuum Rahim 在 Facebook 上分享了这段体验,这使他们的旅程变得极为艰辛。

Rahim先生详细描述了他和妻子在通过 Tuas 检查站进入马来西亚新山的过程中的不愉快经历。他们在海关等待了大约一个小时,让他们的心情降至低谷。然而更糟糕的是,一位入境官员在他们盖章的过程中以粗鲁的口吻要求他们取下护照封面。


最后,他们被带到了二楼的一个办公室,在那里,一位Assistant Superintendent级别的女性官员据称给他们发出了一封名为“入境拒绝通知”的信,宣布他们因为是“禁止入境的移民”,在接下来的六个月内被禁止进入西马来西亚。





新加坡——在义顺北方城市购物中心,73岁的林清杰(Lim Cheng Kiat)心怀不轨,一日之内侵犯了三名年龄在13至15岁之间的女孩。



据副公诉官余凯拉(Kiera Yu)在法庭文件中表示,林清杰在与第一位受害者的事件后,遇到了商场一楼的第二位受害者。这位13岁的女孩也穿着校服。林清杰走向她,用肩膀碰到她,同时在她的衬衫上捏了她的胸部,然后迅速离开。受到惊吓的第二位受害者告诉了她的妈妈,随后被带到警察局报案。




当地方法官Eugene Teo询问他是否希望提出减刑申请时,林清杰回答说,“要求减刑就是懦弱”,并称“在狱中死去也无所谓”。



73-Year-Old Man Molests Three Girls at Northpoint City Mall in Yishun, Declares Willingness to Die in Prison

SINGAPORE – At Northpoint City mall in Yishun, 73-year-old Lim Cheng Kiat had ill intentions, having violated three girls between the ages of 13 and 15 in a single day.

The unemployed Singaporean pleaded guilty last month to three counts of public indecency and is currently awaiting sentence. His sentencing hearing was postponed until later due to the need to review a correctional training and preventive detention report. This report would allow the court to consider severe punishment involving long-term imprisonment. The victims’ identities cannot be disclosed due to a court order.

On the afternoon of February 23 this year, the first victim, a 15-year-old girl in her school uniform, was walking around the second basement level of the mall with a friend when they encountered Lim. He intentionally walked towards her, bumped into her left cheek with his right shoulder, and pinched her chest over her blouse before quickly leaving. Feeling disgusted, she reported the incident to a staff member at the mall’s service counter, who assisted her in filing a police report.

According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Kiera Yu, after the incident with the first victim, Lim encountered the second victim, a 13-year-old girl in her school uniform, on the first level of the mall. He walked towards her, bumped into her with his shoulder, and pinched her chest over her blouse before quickly leaving. Shocked, the second victim told her mother, who subsequently brought her to the police station to file a report.

The third victim ran into Lim while buying food in a Subway sandwich shop. She, a 15-year-old girl, was also in her school uniform. While she was looking at the menu, Lim forcefully nudged her with his right shoulder and gripped her chest over her blouse, then swiftly left the shop.

Following Lim’s departure, the girl immediately began crying to her friend about what had just occurred. She later went to a police station to report that she had been molested.

Lim was eventually identified through closed-circuit television footage and was arrested at 11:11 p.m. on the same day. During the police investigation, he admitted that he intentionally touched the victims and referred to these incidents as “trivial” because he did not “rape” the victims. He also admitted to deliberately bumping into each victim while simultaneously touching their chests, trying to make it appear accidental.

When asked by District Judge Eugene Teo if he wanted to submit a mitigation plea, Lim responded that to “mitigate is to become a coward” and that “it is okay to die in prison.”

In the prosecution’s address on sentencing, Deputy Prosecutor Yu stressed the severity of Lim’s crimes and his obstinacy, pointing to the need for a deterrent sentence proportionate to his criminal behavior.

Lim’s sentencing is set for June 20.


新加坡,2023年5月18日 – 在GST上调和通胀压力不断增加的背景下,新加坡的Giant超市连锁店正在采取行动,帮助消费者减轻负担。Giant超市宣布,将吸收增加的1%的GST,同时尽量保持基本食品的价格稳定。


为了使用这些优惠券,顾客需要在一次购物中消费达到一定金额。使用新币$3的优惠券,购物金额需达到新币$30;使用新币$5的优惠券,购物金额需达到新币$50。而新币$20的优惠券则专为yuu Rewards Club会员设计,其使用条件是购物金额需达到新币$100。

Giant Singapore


虽然这些优惠券适用于大多数产品,但还是有一些商品除外,如烟草、香烟、报纸、杂志、婴儿奶粉、电话卡、Dairy Farm礼品券、彩票以及从特许经营商那里购买的商品。


Singapore’s Giant Supermarket Launches Unlimited Vouchers Amidst GST Hike and Inflation

SINGAPORE, May 18, 2023 – With the backdrop of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) increase and mounting inflation, Singapore’s supermarket chain, Giant, is stepping up to alleviate some of the financial pressure on consumers. The supermarket chain has announced that it will absorb the 1% GST hike, striving to keep prices for essential groceries as low as possible.

More significantly, in a bid to provide customers with additional savings on their shopping, Giant is rolling out a new voucher campaign. From now until 7 June, customers can download an unlimited number of vouchers from Giant’s Facebook page or official website. These vouchers, with denominations of SGD$3, SGD$5, and SGD$20, can be used to offset respective amounts on their grocery purchases.

To make use of these vouchers, shoppers need to meet a certain spending threshold in a single transaction. For the SGD$3 voucher, a minimum spend of SGD$30 is required; for the SGD$5 voucher, the minimum spend is SGD$50. The SGD$20 voucher, exclusively for yuu Rewards Club members, requires a minimum spend of SGD$100.

Giant Singapore

It’s noteworthy that only one voucher can be redeemed per transaction per customer, and they cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, including senior citizen discounts. Moreover, the vouchers cannot be used for online purchases, as they are redeemable only at manned cashier stations in physical Giant stores.

While these vouchers are applicable on most products, certain exclusions do apply, which include tobacco, cigarettes, newspapers, magazines, infant milk powder, phone cards, Dairy Farm gift vouchers, lottery tickets, and purchases from concessionaires.

With this campaign, it’s the perfect time to stock up on all other essentials such as groceries and household items. You can locate a Giant outlet nearest to you via the store locator on Giant’s official website.

ICA Confirms: Lee Hsien Yang’s Passport Never Seized, Remains Valid

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore stated on May 17 that Lee Hsien Yang’s passport remains valid and has never been seized. This statement was issued in response to media queries following a disciplinary tribunal for Kwa Kim Li, the lawyer of Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

According to a report released by the disciplinary tribunal on May 5, Lee Hsien Yang had applied to provide evidence via video link, stating that his “passport was currently being held by immigration authorities in connection with an immigration issue”. The tribunal noted that Lee Hsien Yang’s legal counsel declined to explain why the passport was handed over or when that occurred, despite repeated requests from the tribunal.

Nevertheless, the tribunal eventually allowed Lee Hsien Yang to provide evidence via video link. It was added by the tribunal that Kwa would not be prejudiced by cross-examining Lee Hsien Yang over video link.

In terms of background, the tribunal found that Kwa had misled Lee Kuan Yew’s children, Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling, in her email responses to their queries. Kwa was also found to have failed to safeguard Lee Kuan Yew’s confidentiality while managing his will. She was ordered to pay a penalty of S$13,000 and to bear the costs and disbursements to Lee Hsien Yang and The Law Society of Singapore.

In July 2022, Lee Hsien Yang and his wife, Lee Suet Fern, left Singapore after declining to attend a police interview relating to allegations of lying in judicial proceedings about the late Lee Kuan Yew’s will. Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling are the brother and sister of the current Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, and Lee Kuan Yew is their father












