Still want the Texas Chicken Bag? You can get it from Taobao
It turns out there are a lot of things you can buy on the China online marketplace Taobao (淘宝).
Including the chicken bag that has people in Singapore queueing for up to five hours just to get their hands on one.
Texas Chicken Bag
In case you didn’t know, Texas Chicken Singapore has recently launched an anniversary campaign which gives away a bag that looks like a real chicken with the purchase of promotional set meals.
It looks like this.

Photo: Texas Chicken Singapore
It has since created quite a buzz and had fans queueing for it on Sunday, up to the point where customers were reportedly abusing the restaurant staff after stocks ran out at the outlets.
It’s available on Taobao
There’s no need to be disappointed if you can’t get one or want one but didn’t go queue for it as it can be .
For as little as less than S$5 in fact.

There will be shipping costs and GST involved so you might want to wait till your next round of Taobao haul before getting it all together.
For those who can’t wait, you can opt for direct shipping via air to your doorstep and it costs less than S$10 all-in including shipping and GST.

The price stated is in Chinese YuanHere are some photos of the chicken bag, which looks exactly the same as Texas Chicken’s one.

Very cute indeed but definitely not worth the trouble of queueing hours for it or buying it at exorbitant prices from scalpers on Carousell.