DBS Bank’s Digital Service Disruption: A Wake-up Call for the Financial Industry

With DBS Bank’s digital services experiencing disruptions barely over a year after a similar incident in November 2021, we are compelled to question: Is financial technology bringing convenience at the cost of increased uncertainty?

The picture is only poetic

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) expressed dissatisfaction with the recent disruption, stating that DBS has fallen short of meeting regulatory expectations for maintaining high system availability. Clearly, as a major bank, DBS must ensure that while financial technology provides convenience, its services remain stable and reliable. This incident highlights the various challenges faced by financial technology in the process of continuous innovation.

MAS has instructed DBS to conduct a thorough investigation into the service disruption and submit a report. This indicates the financial regulator’s strong emphasis on the stability of banking services and implies that DBS may need to put in more effort to improve its services. Notably, MAS’s response to the incident was swift, demonstrating the regulator’s vigilance and concern for the development of the financial market.

DBS Bank’s CEO, Piyush Gupta, expressed disappointment over customers’ inability to access digital banking services. He emphasized that DBS would review the events thoroughly and reflect deeply on the situation. Although the incident has impacted the bank’s reputation, we can also see DBS’s recognition of the problem and determination to improve.

In conclusion, the disruption of DBS’s digital services serves as a reminder that the path of financial technology development is not always smooth sailing. Financial institutions and regulators must work together to ensure that, while pursuing technological innovation, they also provide stable and reliable services to customers.

Irresponsible youngsters, who pay for the damage ah?

Video of these youngsters throwing bicycle into water make many people angry on social media leh. Their actions not only spoil public resources but also can harm the fish. Now young ppl need to think about their behavior, learn to respect and cherish public property. A civilized society needs everyone to put in effort, together we say no to this kind of bad behavior!










Ho Ching Defends Supermarket Worker and Criticizes Woman for Language Discrimination

SINGAPORE: Ho Ching, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s spouse, has spoken out against a woman who criticized a supermarket employee for not speaking English in an extensive social media post. Ho Ching defended the NTUC Fairprice staff member and denounced the customer’s actions as a type of bullying.

Temasek Trust chairperson Ho Ching emphasized that Singaporeans should conduct themselves with discipline, respect, and humility. She asserted that brash bravado and boastful bullying have no place in Singaporean society.

Ho Ching’s comments were in response to a viral video featuring TikTok influencer Datin Amy Tashiana, who confronted a FairPrice employee at City Square Mall for not understanding English, resulting in a poorly handled fish order. Amy argued with the worker in Mandarin and insisted on reporting her to the management for her inadequate English skills.

The video, now removed from TikTok and YouTube, has sparked debate. Some agree with Amy, claiming that customer-facing employees in a multicultural society like Singapore should have a basic understanding of English. Others, however, believe that Amy’s handling of the situation was less than ideal.

Ho Ching, who disapproved of Amy’s actions, expressed her dissatisfaction on Facebook. In a lengthy response, she acknowledged the frustrations faced by those having trouble communicating with non-English-speaking staff, but she urged for kindness and the acceptance of diversity instead of resorting to xenophobia.

She noted that many Singaporeans, including herself, aren’t linguistically gifted, and that patience and understanding could help bridge communication gaps. Ho Ching also encouraged people to learn new languages or musical instruments as a way to make friends and maintain connections with others around the world.

Despite Ho Ching’s views, some commenters remained unconvinced, expressing their frustrations and feelings of marginalization due to language barriers. Others warned that unresolved issues could lead to the election of populist governments by disgruntled voters.






总理的夫人是在回应一个病毒性视频,视频中,TikTok 网红 Datin Amy Tashiana 因为员工不懈地理解英语而指责一名在 City Square Mall 的 FairPrice 商店的员工把她的鱼弄坏了。

Amy 表示,这起事件发生在上周二(21 日),当时她想买一些新鲜海鲜,遇到了一名只会说普通话的中国员工。Amy 声称员工是中国国籍。

Amy 吩咐员工去鳞、清洗鱼并去掉鱼鳍。然而,由于语言障碍,员工切鱼的方式让 Amy 不满。

在长达近九分钟的名为《外籍员工(中国)NTUC City Square》的视频中,Amy 用普通话和

切鱼的员工争论,说她怎么会不懂英语。超市员工表示她正在学英语,但 Amy 坚持要向管理层举报她。

然后,Amy 找到了一名团队负责人,询问顾客如何应对完全不会用英语交流的员工。团队负责人表示,员工可以理解英语中的“简单”术语,并认为问题可能是由于沟通不畅。

尽管负责人为她提供了一份新的、按照她的要求切好的鱼,免费解决了问题,但 Amy 对自己订购的鱼被切得不满意。

当团队负责人陪她去海鲜摊位时,Amy 说起了反对派领袖 Pritam Singh 在国会上提议对新公民实施英语测试的建议。

她说:“Pritam Singh,你是对的,你绝对是对的。他们需要先学会英语,然后才能在这里工作,好吗?支付 S-Pass S$4,500 的工资,还不会说英语。”

有一刻,Amy 对团队负责人说:“你想雇佣我吗?我比她切鱼更好……啊,算了,我明天跟政府说。雇佣我,给我同样的薪水,让她离开,我把鱼切得像花一样。”

Amy 对新加坡独立报说:“在各处价格上涨的情况下,尤其是在 NTUC,得到这样的服务,所以我决定发布这段视频。”

这段视频在网上迅速传播,Fairprice 随后承诺对此问题进行调查,并为员工提供培训。

尽管与劳工运动有关的超市连锁店承认 Amy 的购物体验本可以更好,但它也敦促顾客以尊重和礼貌对待员工。”

这段视频已经从 TikTok 和 YouTube 上删除,引发了公众舆论的分歧。

有些人认为,Amy 说得对,因为新加坡是一个以多元种族为荣的国家,如果不能用共同的语言进行交流,少数族裔可能会感到受到歧视。

还有人认为,Amy 处理这个问题的方式本可以更好。

总理的夫人坚定地站在后者一边。Amy 的处理方式让何晶不悦,这位前长期担任新加坡主权财富基金首席的女士在本周的 Facebook 页面上表达了她的不满。

周日早上(27 日),何晶首先分享了一篇关于视频的文章,仅用两个词:“丢脸的行为。”她很可能是指 Amy。

很快,这个事件让总理的夫人比最初表现出的更为愤怒。大约 24 小时后,她编辑了自己的帖子,用更长的声明解释了为什么 Amy 错误地对待了超市员工。




有些人欢迎这位政府人物的观点,而另一些人则表示不同意。在一个被 85 人点赞的评论中,Facebook 用户 Faisal Abdul Aziz 问道:












在另一个针对 Faisal 的评论中,新加坡主权财富基金 Temasek 的前任长期负责人表示,新加坡人可以像处理与有特殊需求的餐厅员工交流一样,应对语言障碍。她说:




Faisal 仍然不信服。他在几分钟后说:“如果你是一名一线员工,而且不能用工作语言进行交流,那肯定意味着你不适合这份工作。我可以告诉你,对我们这些不会说普通话的人来说,每天都要面对这样的问题,一次又一次地感到非常沮丧。”


另一位评论者,Edmund Tan 补充道:“尽管顾客处理问题的方式令人遗憾,但这并不能解决问题的根本原因,即当地人越来越觉得在这个国家被边缘化。


【Super Funny】Aunty buy lottery neber strike, den scold sia! So cute leh!

Recently hor, got one video of aunty buying lottery den neber strike, she kena angry den scold sia. This interesting aunty express her unhappiness with her direct way, making everyone laugh sia.

Inside video, aunty use vulgar words show her disappointment, but unexpectedly, she look cute lah. Netizens comment say feel relatable, care and worry for her, advice aunty take care of her health.

This video fast fast kena spread around, become topic netizens talk about. Everyday life funny things can make people feel connected, let everyone enjoy life mah.





Netizen Stressed Over BTO – Needs to Wait 7 Years

Housing and family planning are complex issues that can cause stress and anxiety. This is especially true for a young woman who graduated during Covid-19 and is now facing skyrocketing housing prices and long waiting times for Built-to-Order (BTO) flats in Singapore. After bidding eight times, she finally received her BTO queue number, but the wait time until 2030 to collect her flat is causing her great concern.

To put this in perspective, she is turning 28 and will be 35 by the time she gets her flat. This has presented her with three options, but each comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Her first option is to wait a few years until the housing market cools down and they have greater savings to get a resale flat. However, this would mean sacrificing the BTO selection, which may bring a whole new set of uncertainties.

The second option is to stay with her parents and sister and invite her partner to stay over, only moving out after 35. This has its pros for financial capability, but it breaks down the norm of having a flat before settling down.

The third option is to rent a flat after marriage and wait until 35, though the rental prices currently are high. This option may be more feasible if she considers paying her parents the rental fee rather than other landlords.

However, her main concern comes from the long waiting time of seven years, which is around 1/10th of her lifespan. This wait time would significantly affect all her family planning, and she wonders if she should change her mentality and accept not having a flat to start a family.

Her partner is one year younger than her, and they both work for the government, so their income is average. After finally getting her BTO queue number, she felt more concerned than happy, realising that all she could do was wait if she chose the traditional housing route.

Thankfully, netizens have suggested other alternatives to her options. They suggest that she consider buying a resale 3-room flat instead of a 5-room flat, as well as exploring other options like staying with parents or renting. They remind her that adulting is tough, but it’s important to manage expectations and live within one’s means.

Overall, the young woman’s situation highlights the challenges faced by many Singaporeans in securing affordable housing. It’s a reminder that these issues are complex and require careful consideration and planning, but with the right mindset and resources, it is possible to find a solution that works for you.





因为我是在 Covid-19 期间毕业的人,所以我受到了飞涨的房价和长时间的 BTO 等待时间的影响。我已经尝试了8次,才终于得到了我的BTO排队号码,但我必须等到2030年才能拥有自己的房子。当然,年轻的我不会预见到住房供应问题会成为我成年旅程中的第一个障碍。



  1. 等到几年后(也许是30年),当房产市场降温并且我们有更多的储蓄时,再考虑购买二手房?然而,这意味着我必须放弃 BTO 选择。但这可能会带来全新的不确定性。
  2. 和父母和姐姐住在一起,并邀请我的伴侣过来住。在35岁之后再搬出去。这对财务能力有好处,但打破了在定居前拥有房子的规范。
  3. 在婚后租房子,等到35岁再买房。然而,目前的租金价格非常高,我可能会考虑向我的父母支付租金费用,而不是向其他房东支付租金。









  • 我看到了很多这样的帖子… 为什么不买一个二手3房?为什么需要一开始就五房?你想一年接着一年地生3个孩子,还是你希望中彩BTO大奖?我在实龙岗买了一个3房的二手房,现在我有一个3岁的孩子,而且当我看到好的 BTO 地点时,我会竞标。如果我一两年内没有得到它,我会升级到街对面的5房,这样我就可以雇佣一个女佣和一个第二个孩子。与此同时,我们的生活很好,没有现金的贷款还款,我和我的妻子有一个独立的房间用于工作/娱乐。我们的 CPF 也与我们依靠补助金得到3房时相比,增长了很多(超过了 BRS)。调整房屋大小也适用于你的第一套房,不仅适用于退休者。成年并不像你想象的那么艰难。没有父母的生活是最好的。
  • 如果你们两个人还好,父母也还好,那就和父母住在一起。有许多利益相关者,可能会从好变成不好。最“容易”的选择就是租房子。只有你们两个人(加上房东)涉及到。支付租金只是现实。为了让这一切工作,必须放弃一些舒适性,例如:更小的地方、与朋友/其他夫妇/房东共住或搬到更远的地方。