当鸟儿在天空自由翱翔——新加坡 Bird Paradise 鸟类乐园即将开业!

迫不及待地想要一睹 Bird Paradise 鸟类乐园的风采吗?好消息,这片占地17公顷的乐园将于5月8日在新加坡的 Mandai Wildlife Reserve 正式开门迎客,欢迎大家前来一探究竟!

Photos: Mandai Wildlife Group


Bird Paradise 鸟类乐园将成为许多濒危鸟类的新家,其中包括菲律宾鹰、尼格罗斯流血鸽和蓝喉金刚鹦鹉等珍稀物种。游客们将有机会在八个大型步行鸟舍中欣赏来自世界各地的鸟儿,其中包括世界上最大的角鸟群,这些群体在不同的展区内展示各自的自然栖息地。除此之外,游客还可以观看两个全新的鸟类表演节目——“天空猛禽”和“亚洲之翼”,让你目瞪口呆!

想要更深入地了解鸟类乐园?乐园提供了多种有趣的深度体验项目,如饲养活动、参观“鸟类保健与研究中心”和野生动物繁育项目等。而“Friends of Wildlife”会员计划更为游客们提供全年无限制进入鸟类乐园和其他三个野生动物公园的特权,同时也享受多种其他优惠和折扣。会员计划费用从195新币起。

Bird Paradise 鸟类乐园将会是一个令人难以忘怀的体验,无论你是喜欢自然风光,还是鸟类爱好者,都不应该错过这个精彩的新景点。记得提前预定门票,我们期待着您的到来!

When Birds Soar Free in the Sky: Singapore’s Bird Paradise Wildlife Park to Open Soon!

Bird Paradise, the new wildlife park in Singapore’s Mandai Wildlife Reserve, is set to open its doors on May 8, offering visitors a chance to get up close and personal with over 3,500 birds from 400 different species. During its soft opening period from May 8 to May 26, tickets will be available at a discounted rate, with adult tickets priced at SGD 38, children’s tickets at SGD 23, and senior citizen tickets at SGD 20. Visitors can pre-book their tickets and any add-on programs from April 24.

The park is home to many of the world’s most threatened species, such as the Philippine eagle, the Negros bleeding-heart dove, and the blue-throated macaw. Visitors can enjoy the sight of the world’s largest population of hornbills under human care, flying free in one of the eight large walk-through aviaries in the park, each of which is inspired by different habitats from around the world. Guests can also watch two new avian presentations, “Predators on Wings” and “Wings of the World,” at the Sky Amphitheatre.

In addition to all the exciting bird-watching opportunities, Bird Paradise offers a range of fun activities for visitors, such as feeding sessions where guests can feed starlings, African hornbills, pelicans, and lories for just SGD 8 per session. All proceeds from animal feedings go towards the conservation projects that Mandai Wildlife Group supports in Singapore and across the region. Visitors can also join the Friends of Wildlife membership program, which provides year-round access to all four wildlife parks including Bird Paradise, as well as other benefits such as priority privileges, wildlife experiences, and discounts. Membership fees start from SGD 195 for Friends of Wildlife and SGD 245 for Friends of Wildlife Plus.

Don’t miss out on this unique and beautiful new attraction! Come to Bird Paradise and immerse yourself in the charm of nature and its fascinating feathered creatures.

Former Singapore Idol Judge Ken Lim Faces Molestation Charges

SINGAPORE – Former Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim appeared in court to face charges of molesting a 25-year-old woman. The alleged incident took place in November 2021 at the Hype Records office.

Ken Lim, the executive director of Hype Records, is accused of touching the woman’s breast through skin-to-skin contact. Prosecutors requested a gag order on the identity of the victim.

Ken Lim’s lawyer stated that the investigation has been ongoing for more than 15 months, and Ken Lim maintains his innocence, refusing to plead guilty. Currently, he is released on bail of S$10,000.

The court granted Ken Lim’s application to travel to Phuket, Thailand, from May 25 to June 4 to handle “property management issues,” subject to an additional S$10,000 bail.

If convicted of outrage of modesty, Ken Lim may face up to three years of imprisonment, a fine, and caning, although those above the age of 50 are exempt from caning.

前新加坡偶像评委Ken Lim被控性侵犯

新加坡 – 前新加坡偶像评委Ken Lim因被指控性侵犯一名25岁女子而出庭应对指控。据报道,这起事件发生于2021年11月,地点位于Hype Records的办公室。

Ken Lim是Hype Records的执行董事,他被指控通过皮肤接触摸女子的胸部。检察官请求对受害者的身份实施禁令。

Ken Lim的律师表示,调查已经进行了超过15个月,Ken Lim坚称自己是清白的,不会承认罪行。目前,他被保释金10,000新元获得暂时自由。

法庭同意了Ken Lim在5月25日至6月4日期间前往泰国普吉岛处理“财产管理问题”的申请,但需支付额外的10,000新元保释金。

如果Ken Lim被判定犯有侵犯他人贞操罪,他可能面临最高三年监禁、罚款和鞭刑(但年满50岁的人免于鞭刑)的处罚。


宠物爱好者们,高举爪子!新加坡最盛大的宠物狂欢——PetExpo 2023 将于4月14日至16日在新加坡博览中心盛大举行。超过80个零售摊位为您呈现可爱的宠物商品、独家优惠、宠物比赛等等,这是一个您绝对不想错过的宠物天堂!

值此十周年庆典,PetExpo 是宠物爱好者的狂欢节,您可以在这里买到各种优质的宠物用品,包括食物、配件和玩具。家里有挑食的宠物?别担心!您可以在现场找到美味的宠物零食,还有专业人士教您如何让您的毛孩过上更健康的饮食生活。


此外,PetExpo 还有丰富多彩的比赛、表演和研讨会,让您玩得不亦乐乎。对第四届新加坡孔雀鱼锦标赛和新加坡观赏虾比赛感到好奇吗?我们也是!所以,赶快购票加入新加坡最大的宠物博览会的欢乐派对吧!

除了购物,PetExpo 还有许多精彩的比赛、表演和研讨会。有趣的赛事名称已经引起了我们的好奇心,想要一探究竟。比如,FCl 美容比赛和 FCl 国际 CACIB 狗狗展示比赛——观看可爱的表演狗狗秀出它们的才华可是一大享受。

您是否想知道您的宠物在想什么(它们到底爱不爱你)?那么,千万不要错过 Paws and Crystals 主办的动物沟通讲座。此外,现场还有兽医提供健康咨询,为宠物主人们提供关于如何更好地照顾他们的毛孩子的建议。您还可以预约 AVS 免费的宠物健康咨询,但要抓紧哦,因为这是先到先得的。


门票价格为新币5元(单日通行证)或新币12元(三日通行证),12岁以下儿童和宠物免费入场。SAFRA 和 NTUC 会员可享受特别优惠,单日通行证4新币,三日通行证10新币。您可以在线购票,票务将于2023年4月7日截止。


PetExpo 2023
Facebook | Instagram | Website 

📍 1 Expo Drive, Singapore Expo Hall 6, Singapore 486150
🕒 11am—8pm (Fri), 10am—8pm (Sat & Sun)
🗓️ 14 to 16 Apr 2023

Paw-sitively Hilarious! Join the Furry Fiesta at Singapore’s Largest Pet Expo

Paws up, pet lovers! Singapore’s biggest pet party, PetExpo 2023, is coming to town from April 14th to 16th at the Singapore Expo. With over 80 retail booths offering adorable pet merchandise, exclusive sales, pet competitions, and more, this is the ultimate pet paradise you won’t want to miss!

Photo: PetExpo/facebook

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, PetExpo is the ultimate pet fiesta where you can score some pawsome deals on pet supplies, including food, accessories, and toys. Got a picky eater at home? Don’t worry! You’ll find delicious treats and expert advice on how to trick your furkid into a healthier diet.

Photo: PetExpo/facebook

Think your pet needs a makeover? On-site grooming services are available to give your pet a fabulous new look. And once they’re all dolled up, you can take them shopping for some trendy outfits and accessories.

Photo: PetExpo/facebook

But wait, there’s more! PetExpo has an impressive lineup of competitions, shows, and seminars that’ll keep you entertained all day long. Curious about the 4th Singapore Guppy Championship or the Singapore Ornamental Shrimp Competition? We are too! So, grab your tickets and join the fun at Singapore’s largest pet fair!

Photo: PetExpo/facebook
Photo: PetExpo/facebook
Photo: PetExpo/facebook
Photo: PetExpo/facebook

PetExpo 2023
Facebook | Instagram | Website 

📍 1 Expo Drive, Singapore Expo Hall 6, Singapore 486150
🕒 11am—8pm (Fri), 10am—8pm (Sat & Sun)
🗓️ 14 to 16 Apr 2023

6 Tips to Boost Your Chances of Winning Toto

These tips are not infallible, so take them with a pinch of salt.

Numeric Trend in Toto
Most of the time, numbers to be drawn next would have already appeared in the last 7 draws. If you find that specific numbers have not been drawn in the past 7 draws, it is advisable to avoid picking them.

Give random numbers ago
Special dates work well for 4D, but not for Toto as the odds of getting good numbers are lesser with anniversaries and birth dates. Most of these dates fall under smaller numbers like 1 to 7 or 1 to 12. That means most people end up selecting similar numbers. So even if you win, the odds are that your prize money is split among many people as well. As crazy as it sounds, go for the random numbers – meaning the QuickPick Option. There have been many instances of someone hitting the jackpot from a $1 QuickPick ticket and the odds of having more people split your winnings is smaller.

Opt for a good mix of odd & even numbers
The chances of having all six numbers being all odd or all even is especially rare, thus having a good mix can increase your chances of winning. Do you know that these combinations have come out in at least 80% of all the draws?

Try having a set of consecutive numbers
This is an ironic way of selecting numbers but it has indeed happened in many draws. Within each set of six numbers, there have been common cases of a set of consecutive numbers appearing (e.g., 17 and 18, 11 and 12, etc).

Avoid having a combination that forms an obvious pattern
It has been observed that indecisive punters tend to pick certain patterns like a diagonal or straight vertical line across the TOTO slip. This results in many bets for these combinations and even if you win the prize money, it will usually be split.

Try your hands at numerology
There are some who swear by numerology, where you can calculate if the number you are betting on signifies a fortune when combined with your birth date, or you could calculate it based on the draw date. The accuracy is quite high as compared to random probability methods. Some might deem this superstitious but hey, there have been known cases of people striking small windfalls from this tactic. Numerology is in fact linked to methods of probability which combines scientific studies and oracle reading.



















DBS银行首席执行官Piyush Gupta表示,银行对于客户无法访问数字银行服务感到失望。他强调,DBS将认真审查此次事件,并深刻反省。尽管这次事件给银行的声誉带来了影响,但我们也看到了DBS对于问题的认识和改进的决心。
